
The only deep water port on the Atlantic coast, Atlantic Port La Rochelle provides exceptional nautical capabilities to accommodate the largest ships (300 m and more in length).

Cruise photo Môle

Berthing of the MV Britannia, P&O Cruises at the Môle d'Escale, Atlantic Port La Rochelle

Sorata cruises station - bus parking

Located on the Stopover Mole, the Sorata cruises station can accommodate passengers from liners in transit. It is equipped with a baggage scanner.

Sorata cruises station

Located on the Stopover Mole, the Sorata cruises station can accommodate passengers from liners in transit. It is equipped with a baggage scanner.

From La Rochelle, a choice of exciting excursions:

La Roche-Courbon   cognac   iledere   larochelle
Château de Roche-Courbon
La Rochelle
laveniseverte   marennes   rochefort   saintes
La Venise verte
Marennes et Brouage



La Rochelle, port facilities and excursions


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